Article: PDF
DOI: 10.26170/FK19-04-05
Abstract: The aim of this research is to identify and describe the similarities and differences in the image of the family among native speakers of Russian and Sri Lankan linguacultures. The study is based on the theory of linguistic consciousness, developed at the Moscow Psycholinguistic School. The main method in this study is a free associative experiment, as well as analysis and classification of the obtained reactions. Daughter, family, grandmother, husband, mother and wife were chosen as stimulus. For the analysis, we chose 200 questionnaires from Sri Lanka. We analyzed the obtained material and compared with the results of an experiment conducted in Sri Lanka with data from the Slavic Associative dictionary. When analyzing the associative fields of words belonging to the semantic group “FAMILY”, we found out that in the Sri Lankan culture one of the most frequent reactions to all the indicated stimuli is love, in the Russian linguistic culture the reactions are more diverse. When the distribution of the obtained reactions in accordance with the semantic gestalt proposed by Y. N. Karaulov, we have identified another trend in the distribution of the groups. It turned out that in the Russian linguistic culture the most numerous was the group “WHO”, and in the Sri Lankan – “WHAT”. It can be noted that in almost all associative fields there are coincident reactions. The different reactions are due to the ethno-cultural specificity of the images of the world that have taken shape in different linguacultures.

For citation

Rev, Waskaduwe Siri Sarana Thero, Kharchenko, E. V. Image of Family in the Linguistic Consciousness of Native Speakers in Different Linguacultures (on the Example of Russia and Sri Lanka) / Rev Waskaduwe Siri Sarana Thero, E. V. Kharchenko . In Philological Class. 2019. №4 (58). P. 40-48. DOI 10.26170/FK19-04-05.