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Formation of Linguistic Competence of Junior Pupils in the Context of Education Integration
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DOI: 10.26170/FK20-03-19
Abstract: The modernization of the Russian education policy of the intercultural communication era is marked by the inclusion of English as an academic subject along with the academic subject “Russian language” in the content of primary linguistic education. The problem of a search for the ways and means of its integration as a condition for raising the level of students’ linguistic competence is based on its integrative nature, sensitivity of the primary school age for its manifestation, the need for its content definition beyond the framework
of learning a single language, and the specificity of its formation based on the systemic activity-centered approach to education. The novelty of the problem formulation, its conceptual understanding and theoretico-methodological solutions, specified in relation to the urgent material of the English borrowed vocabulary, determine the relevance of the material published. The article suggests an authored conception of formation of linguistic competence in the context of integration of the primary linguistic education through a comparative analysis of Russian and English, which is in line with the natural mechanisms of the development of linguistic competence as a cognitive-representative psychological structure. Such an approach helps to substantiate the components of linguistic competence and the typology of the corresponding educational language tasks aimed at their formation. The study models the corresponding educational system comprising the target, substantive-procedural, evaluative and effective components. The system is supplemented with a didactic support and is specified through the construction of an integrated educational module for the study of lexical borrowings. The results of the study may be of interest for domestic and foreign science in the search for concrete didactic solutions of the problem of integration of school education with reference to the specificity of its subject areas, to build the education process, holistic in its content and nature-friendly in the ways of teaching, in the correlation of competence-based and systemic activity-centered approaches.
Key words: Competence-based approach; systemic activity-centered approach; primary linguistic education; integration of the content of learning Russian and foreign languages; linguistic competence; linguistic task.
For citation
Makeeva, S. G., Martynova, E. N. (2020). Formation of Linguistic Competence of Junior Pupils in the Context of Education Integration. In Philological Class. 2020. Vol. 25 ⋅ №3. P. 219-231. DOI 10.26170/FK20-03-19.